Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Those who know me well and have been a part of my life and seen me grow up know how important my spirituality is to me.  I want to emphasize that in this post I am talking about spirituality, not religion.  I know that the two are connected, but in my life they are two very seperate things.  My religion is what gives me ritual, a way for me to stay connected to God and the Universe even when I don't feel connected; my Spirituality is my personal, deep connection to God, the Universe, My Inner Self (chi, if you will,) and all of the other Energy and Life Forces that surround all of us every day.  The daughter of a yoga instructer, the niece of a spiritual healer, and the friend of people from all walks of Spirituality, Religion, and Life, I have always had an enormous and incredibly enriching education on all things Spitirual or otherwise Other Worldly.  Because of this, I have learned to listen to myself, and know when the Universe (or God, I use the two names interchangeably) is trying to tell me or lead me to something.  I have felt an unrest, a pull, on my heart for several weeks now.  I knew I was supposed to be seeing something that was right in front of me, and for some reason I couldn't figure it out.  It has kept me awake at night, caused me to feel confused, even panicked at times, and it has made me feel very unsettled.  Though I desperately need a job, my unemployment has given me time to meditate and get better in touch with my spirituality.  This morning I had an epiphany.  I woke up around 3 a.m., which is not unusual.  I have had a lot of trouble sleeping through the night the past few weeks, and I usually either get up and excersize, or get up and cook or clean.  Last night I decided to just be still.  I know I wouldn't get back to sleep, and I knew that if I stayed in bed I may begin to panick about money or my future or whatever was troubling me most in that moment, but something inside was telling me to just be still.  So I was.  I lied down on my back, and rested.  I let my mind wander, but if I felt a panic coming on, I just dismissed it.  I let myself be quiet, and listen.  This didn't give me any optimism or clarity about money or my future.  Part of me was hoping that I would be bombarded with images of where the perfect job was hiding.  I wasn't. I am as unsure about my employment and money tonight as I was last night.  But I knew that my time spent being still was preperation for whatever I needed to do today.  As if I needed any more signs...God gave me one more (I probably DID need this sign... I don't think I was really getting it yet, I hadn't changed any of my plans yet.)

At 3:00 when I woke up, before I decided to be still, I took a few minutes to doodle around on my phone.  I checked the weather.  Sunny skies all day, which was perfect for the day I had planned.  I was going to get up, work out, have an awesome breakfast, get all dolled up, and go out and just walk into every place of business I could find and try try try to get a job.  I've done this countless times before, but I was going for it again today.  When the alarm went off at six to wake Her up, I was pulled from my meditative state and heard thunder.  A lot of thunder.  I checked the weather again, and this time it said thunder storms all day.  I'm sure you all know that the first thing that came to my mind with the sudden weather change wasn't "this is just weather in the south"...I was thinking apocolypse.  I know I'm paranoid, but with so many things in my life failing to fall into place, it is natural for me to be easily spooked, and I was.  I didn't want Her to go in to work.  I was so convinced that this was the Beginning of the End.  I was really worried.  I finally settled down enough to compromise; Her could go to school if she took the 72 hour kit with her.  So she did, because she is wonderful.  The storm changed my plans though...there was no way I was straightening my hair to go hunt for jobs in rainboots with my 72 hour kit...I wasn't leaving the house.  I really was scared!! Looking back I realize that the Universe needed me to stay home today, because I needed to learn something.  I am going to share with you what I learned, and what I believe it means, and I hope that you will not only listen but see my story as a call to action.  I know that hundreds of people all over the world have had the same realizations that I had today, only many of them had them years sooner.  I hope that I can help bring a new group of people into this movement so that the world can truly be changed, even saved. 

After Her left for school, I was sitting on the couch, alone, in the dark, wanting to go back to sleep but to afraid to.  I decided to turn on some mindless tv so that I could relax a little, and hopefully it would stop raining so I could go get a job after all.  I felt really guilty for staying in, but I was truly terrified.  I was afraid that if I left the house, we might have an earthquake, or a huge flood. All I could see in my mind was me stranded somewhere desperately trying to find my loved ones.  I really couldn't leave the house.  I turned on my apple tv and tried to find something silly to watch.  Everytime I selected a show, it wouldn't load.  I restarted the apple tv a couple of times, reconnected to the internet, nothing helped.  So I decided to just look at all of the titles and descriptions to take my mind off of the storm.  In the New Releases section, I came across a documentary...2012.  I clicked on it, and I was amazed when it began to play.  I hadn't even selected play, I just wanted to read the description.  My brain started screaming at me, "are you crazy!? You can't watch this with this storm going on!! You are trying to relax, not get yourself so worked up you lose you mind, what are you thinking!?"  I wanted to turn it off, but I was curious, and I couldn't shake the feeling that even if it was scary, I needed the knowledge that was in this film. 
I couldn't possibly give you all of the information that is in this film.  It is an hour and a half of nothing but life-changing information.  I BEG each and every one of you to watch it in your own time.  Documentaries can be tedious and boring and a lot of information at one time, I know that, but this information is CRUCIAL and will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. 
Here is the main idea that I pulled away from the film (I actually got a lot, but this is what I feel it is most important to share with you today)

2012 is not the end of the World.  It is the end of life as we know it.  The capitalist, consumer lifestyle we have lived for thousands of years will soon be over.  We have used, abused, and completely destroyed Nature for so long that Nature is beginning to fight back.  The Earth existed long before Humans came along, and it will exist long after we are gone.  Nature has ways of fighting us that we cannot predict, prevent, control, or battle.  If Nature wants to defend herself against us, she will win.  For example, look at this weather we are having!! Entire civilizations have been wiped out.  This is the beginning.  If we don't begin to care for our planet, we will be thrown off.  It is my belief, and the belief of countless other people across the world, that we have to have a social change.  The things that were once important to us will soon be of little to no consequence.  The new world order will be about working WITH nature, instead of against her.  I believe that in 100 years, the entire world will consist of thousands of small communities that grow their own food, take care of each other, sew their own clothes, make their own cleaning supplies, conserve water, ride bikes, and live 100% "green" lifestyles.  The wealthy world leaders, oil lords, farmers, and the other villiams who have destroyed our planet for monetary gain will suffer.  They will lose everything.  The men and women who have dedicated their lives to educating us, to enriching the earth, and to finding new innovative ways to preserve our planet and our livlihood will be the new world leaders.  We will have a change in currency... the dollar, yen, euro, will mean nothing. Trade will come back into effect.  It is already happening in Japan, where they have developed a new form of currency.  I cannot remember the name, please forgive me, but here is how it works. 
A man, "Peter" donates one hour of his time to take care of "Sandra's" mother who is elderly and needs a lot of care.  "Peter" gets one hour logged into his online "bank" of favors.  Sandra helps her friend "Jack" by caring for his plants while he is away on business.  when Peter gets the flu and needs someone to get his kids from school, he goes into his online community.  Jack owes a favor, so he gets peter's kids from school. 
That is my understanding of it.  It is working well in the part of Japan that is testing it, and it will work here in a few years.  It's about going back to basics!! Where we love our neighbors, care for our families and friends, and live as small communities making up the Global community. 

I truly believe that this is the way we are headed.  I don't think we will live like the amish or anything, I am sure the internet and ipods and technology will still progress.  I believe the way we USE it will change.  The era of pop culture will die when the economy crashes... which WILL happen, soon! We will enter a new era, a green era, focused on rebuilding our planet, our world, and making it clean again.  The technology is already out the movie 2012 and see how many ways we can clean up our air and water if we were to utilize the new machines that have been built to be "green."

The people who fight this change will eventually lose...most americans and people of the world will no longer have the money to support pop culture and consumerism.  Most of us will be trying to trade skills for food or fuel!! Those of us who accept it will lead the way.  Picture a world where you can trust your neighbors. A world where you know exactly what is in your dinner, because you grew it all yourself.  A world where you can excersize, and be commited to your spirituality, and connected to your planet.  It will be a utopia!! This type of world is coming... and if it doesn't come, I am sure that Earth will have enough of us and kick us off.  We have two futures to choose where we are miserable and have to fight for our right to have water (which is now being monopolized and poisoned by water corporations)  or a world like the utopia I described before. 

I'm sure that most of this is not new information to you.  We have known that our Planet is in danger for decades now.  So why am I presenting this post as if it is new information?
My ENTIRE LIFE has been part of the "green" movement.  When I was a kid it was ll about composting, and growing your own vegetables...I have watched it change into a consumer idea with all of the water bottles with cute messages about "going green" on them.  How many preppy girls have you seen walking around with those water bottles, that are made by corporations who pollute the planet with toxic fumes!! It's ironic how being "green" has become more of a fashion statement than a lifestyle.  I have lived a life of negligence, irresponsibility, and denial for most of my life.  I never considered it my problem.  I bought plasic bottles and never recycled my cans or cardboard or did anything even remotely helpful for the planet.  It is time for all of us to change.  Every Human Being Counts!! YOUR actions count!! What you do AFFECTS the world that YOU live in!!  That is the epiphany I had this morning... I am not immune or exempt from this social change... It is time that I take a more active roll in preserving our World.  I have already been doing a little here and there, but today I am making a more positive should too!! Take responsibility for your actions and your planet.  Stop leaving it up to someone else. 

What can you do to help?  Here is what I am doing...

I am not in a place in my life where I can run off and join a co-op.  Maybe next year, after Her graduates...but right now I have bills to pay and I'm not ready to change so dramatically yet.  You may not be either.  Start small.  You don't have to take all of your clothes to goodwill and swap them for handmade organic clothes.  You don't have to go buy your own hens so you can have your own eggs.  You can help make the world better by changing a few simple daily routines. Here is what we do at my house:

1. We consrve energy.  I have to be honest, this started as a plan to save money, not the planet, but it works both ways.  I have always been the type of person to come home and turn on every ovrhead light and lamp in the house...I like a lot of light!! This made my first power bill a shock.  I managed to cut it in HALF the next month by doing a few simple things.  Was it a challenge at first? Yes. I had to learn that having every light on in the house isn't necessary.  It was weird at first, but eventually I learned abour blinds on my windows, and that natural sunlight is awesome!! So now... we only have a light on in the room we are in.  Notice..the ROOM we are in, not the area of the house...this was the most difficult thing for me to grasp but, just because you can see into the kitchen from the living room, does not mean that the kitchen light has to be on if you are in the living room.  Only use the light for the room you are in.  Use lamps.  If you are not using an applience, electronic, charger, or anything else that plugs in, unplug it!! Only two things in our house stay plugged in all the time...the Alarm Clock and the Tv...everything else is unplugged until we need it, even the lamps.  It's not as big of a hassle as it seems, and it saved us a lot of money last month, not to mention what it did for the Planet!

2. Conserve water.  Water is becming scarce.  And soon you will not be able to get water without buying it.  Scary!!  Don't use it like it's unlimited...because it isn't!!  I used to take a bath every day, a shower every day, run the sink water forever when I was washing dishes, give Albus a bath every day.... it was endless.  Now, I bathe once a day, either a shower or a bath.  Albus doesn't get a bath unless the tub is already full.  I am a lot more conservative with the water when I'm washing dishes.  And the coolest thing yet... Rainwater!! I don't yet have a garden, and I don't really have much need for it right now, but I have a bucket under the gutter at my house, it collects all of the rainwater.  You would be amazed how fast it fills up!! This water can be used for watering plants, bathing (in a dire situation) or whatever!!  I save it in between rains and if the grass gets a little dry I water it.  It's so easy, and it conservers water!! Be creative with water conservation.  Look online at all the things people do with their "rainwater reservoirs." The possibilities are endless!!

3. Grow your own produce.  It has been my dream for several years now to frow my own produce.  I have been waiting until I have a house of my own but that stops this year. I may not be in a position to have 15 rows of cabbages yet, but I can grow a couple of commonly used veggies on my back porch.  I haven't planted yet, but I will soon!! This is a great idea.  It can be a famlily activity if you have children.  We had a tomato garden growing up and we LOVED helping my mom out with it!! The best part of growing your own produce is the is all organic, homegrown, delicious, safe-to-eat, poison free food, the way God intended it to be!! If you don't already have a garden, start one this fall!!

4. Compost.  Start a compost pile (this will make nutrient rich soil for your vegetable Garden!)  After you are finished cooking or eating, gather up all of your food scraps and take them to a designated place outside.  Worms and all kinds of yucky stuff will get  in there and make soil... use it in your garden!!  It's better than your food scraps going to waste in some disgusting landfill!! Think about where your trash goes after it leaves your posession!!

5. Make your own cleaners.  I started doing this the second week I moved here, and it has been a blast!! It is wayyy cheaper than store bought cleaners, and it is safer for you and your family to be around.  My homemade cleaners get out more stains and tough odors than any store bought brand.  And they are safe!! I don't have to worry about putting food on my countertop!! My cleaners aren't poison to inhale or digest!! AND they smell amazing!! Plus they are really fun to make.  I can't WAIT until I run our of Laundry detergent and I get to make some of my own.  Try it!! Start with an allpurpose cleaner or even just an air freshener...did you know that store bought air fresheners don't actually purify the air?  they sinply coat your nasal passages with a chemical that destroys your sense of smell...which is why when you spray them your house smells really good for a couple of minutes...and then the smell is gone.  You think the odor is gone, but in actuality, you just can't smell it anymore, because you are filled with poison!! Make your own air freshener!! It is cheap, easy, and there are dozens of recipes if you take ten minutes to google them and pick one out!!

6. Recycle!!! Recycle your cans, cardboard, whatever.  We live in a city that doesn't include recycling pick up with trash pick up.  If you want to recycle, you have to take it yourself.  I am ashamed to say I considered this too much of a hassle.  Her is the one who insisted we do this...she is a Hero!! She saves all of our plastic, paper, cans, and cardboard and takes it to the recycling place every Saturday.  We are lucky, we live right down the road.  If you live far away...start a system with your neighbors.  Each person can take everyone's once a week.. if you have enough people involved you will rarely have to go.  Do you have a neighor with a truck but no time?  Do you have time but no truck?  Budy up...borrow his truck and YOU drive both of your recycling to the recycling plant biweekly or whatever works for you.  There are countless ways to make this happen if you begin to act as a community and not just people who live in the same area. Figure out a system that works for the whole neighnorhood!! Nor only will it help the planet, it will bring you closer together as a community... what can you accomplish with an entire community of people yo help you.  The phrase "it takes a village" turned from a way of life into a phrase...let's bring back the way of life!! Some things really do take a village, and you will definately be happier if you have a community of friends to lean on in hard times.  Whatever you do...don't throw waste that can be recycled in the trash.  Just don't do it.

I know this post is extremely long and tiresome... I really appreciate it if you have stuck through to read it!!

My challenge to you is this: Watch the film is free on netflix livestream!!  Just wach it, and think of all the ways you can change the world!!

Do something Green for your neighborhood. Start a compost pile, or a gaden, or unplug unused gadgets in your home.  You don't have to do it all, but do something.  Everything counts!!

Prepare yourslf and your family for change!! There is a new World Order on the way...Be a part of it!! We will be rewriting history, be one of the people out there fighting for our planet!!

Thanks for Reading, I love you All, Happy 2012!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Nail Marbeling

Have I mentioned pinterest on here yet?  In case I haven't... I freaking LOVE pinterest!!  One of my obsessions on pinterest is looking at all of the cool nail designs, and then learning how to do them myself!! That is what I love about pinterest; I see these AMAZING things, in this case nail designs, and I think to myself, "God, I wish I had enough money to get my nails done.  I would be so stylish if I could just have my nails done!!"  then I click on the link, and there are INSTRUCTIONS!!  ANd most of them are really simple and easy with a little practice!! So now I have stylish, awesome nails. 

The first design I decided to try was nail marbeling.  I wanted to do the monarch butterfly design, but I didn't have the right colors... I really need to build up my nail polish collection!!  Anyway, I decided it would be fun to marble my nails.  I had already attempted to do this once, but hte instructions left out a few CRUCIAL details and so all I got was a HUGE mess!! I found better instructions, and thought I would be brave and try it again.  And it was a success!! Did my nails look as awesome as the ones in the pictures? No, but it was my first try, and the last few nails I did, with my NON DOMINATE hand, were really, really close to the pictures, and next time they will be perfect! I wish I could upload a picture to show ya'll, but I can't get a good one with my camera.  I'll keep trying though, so keep your eyes peeled!!!

Job Hunting

Wow... I have been here for two months and I still can't find a job!! I wasn't going to blog about this, I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing me whine about it, but I am feeling so frustrated and anxious... I am really broke!!  I just feel so defeated and umless I win the lottery next month, I am screwed!! Here is what I am doing to find a job:

I spend at least 1 hour a day online checkingmy accounts at, and  I reply to any messages, make any necessary phone calls, and apply to any new jobs. 

I spend at least 2 hours driving around looking for help wanted signs and applying at every resteraunt and diner around. 

I posted an add in the paper advertising for voice lessons

I spend at least 2-4 hours a day working on Kinder Parties

I go to church every week and network.  (I obviously go for spiritual reasons, but I also try to meet people there.)

Does anyone have any ideas?  Is there something I'm not doing right or trying?  I updated all of my online profiles last week, in case they were the problem.  I just don't understand what the problem is!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

72 Hour Kits

With all of the wtf weather we've been having all over the world this year (hurricanes in NY, Earthquakes in to mention all of the freaking monsoons and typhoons and whatever else that seem to be destroying cities all over the world)  I have really felt this nagging feeling that I need to prepare my home and loved ones for an emergency.  I know this sounds ignorant and paranoid, but this is apocolypse weather!! It's better to be safe than sorry! So, I have spent WEEKS (I am not joking, weeks) on research and planning for survival.  I have FINALLY composed my final shopping list for my kits.  ( It will probably take me like, three years to assemble these kits on my income...hopefully the apocolypse will wait a couple of years.) 

During my research I found that homes with average sized families who are extra cautious like me usually have the following:
Stockpiles of food in their home with powerless cooking equipment, sanitation equipment (poo and pee sealable buckets,) and equipment that will enable them to live in their home for months without power or plumbing. 
Car Emergency kits in all of their vehicles in case of accident or breakdown or whatever.
72 hour kits for each member of their family in case they need to evacuate their home. 

I decided the most important kits for me to have, since my family is small, I don't have children, and don't have the space or money to have a stockpile are:
A car emergency kit in both my car and Her car.
72 Hour Kits for both Her, Me, and our Boys. 

I thought it might be helpful if I posted the list of all of the things I am putting in my kits, since some of you are students or have small families of your own.  My 72 hour kits all fit in a backpack and my car kits just go in the trunk ( or the backseat if you have room. It is better to keep them in a reachable place in case yo are trapped in your vehicle)...perfect for single people or couples with no kids!!

Here's my list...
2 adult human backpacks (one for me, one for Her)
2 doggie backpacks (so the boys can help carry some of the load)
Water (3 gallon per person per day, 1 gallon per day for comes to 9 gallons of water...yikes! I also need crates of bottled for each car kit)
First Aid Kits (I need one big one for one for one of the backpacks, one small one for the other backpack, and 2 medium ones for each car backpack)
Extra glasses, contact solution (for Me)
2 Moleskin pouches (to hold cash and important papers in each backpack)
Change of clothes (one in each backpack, a hoodie and some swaetpants in each car kit...I am getting the clothes from a thrift store to save $$)
Sturdy shoes ( I really need a good pair of work boots)
Battery Powered Weather Radio (one to be carried in one of the backpacks...I hope we don't get seperated!!)
Extra Batteries (for each backpack and car kit)
Blanket (one for eack backpack)
Sleeping Bags (hopefully light enough to carry with our for each person)
Old Comforter (one for each car)
Rain Poncho (one for each human and hopefully we will eventually get the doggy kind for our boys)
Tent (we can share)
Plastic sheeting (one sheet for each pack, and some for each car...this can be used as a shelter or to seal up broken windows in your car)
Emergency Plan (this includes emergency numbers, meeting places, copies of insurance and other important papers, the phone numbers for family, friends, hospitals, and meeting places, etc)
Pre Paid phone cards
Jump Cables (one for each car)
Car shovel (one for each car)
Folding shovel (1 for the Humans to share)
Rope (one for each car kit, one for Humans to share)
N95 Dust Mask (one for each Backpack)
Working Gloves (one for each Car Kit, one for Humans to Share)
Flashlight (One for each car kit, one for each backpack)
Wind/Waterproof matches (some for each kit and each car)
Candle (one for each backpack and one for each Car)
Plastic Trash Bags (some for each backpack and for each car)
Feminine Hygeine (each backpack, and car...I don't ever want to go on a hunt for tampons in the middle of a natural disaster...)
Shampoo (one for each pack and each car)
Dental Care (each pack, and each car)
Toilet Paper (Each kit and eack car...hint...if you take out the middle cardboard roll, you can smash the roll flat and store it in a ziplock bag for easy packing)
Hair Ties (each kit, and each car)
Wet Wipes (a pack for each kit and each car)
Pack of Cards (one for each car and one for the humans to share)
Book (one for each car and one for the humans to share)
Dog Toys (2 in each car and one in each pack)
Tire Repair Kit and Pump (one in each car)
Duct Tape (a roll on each pack and each car)
Swiss army knife ( One in each kit and one in each car)
Maps of your area (one in each pack and one in each never know when your smart phone or GPS will die in a prepared for the worst!! It's a good idea to go ahead and mark routes you may need to take on your maps)
Sewing Kit (one in each backpack)
Whistle (one in each backpack and one in each car..the kind that goes around your neck is what you really want.  In the car, you should hang it around your rearview mirror in case you have an accident and your injuries prevent you from getting to your trunk. You can also use the back side of a cd to signal for help if you're in your car)
Power Cap!! (the helmet with the lights on it...ideally I'll have one for each human and one for each car...but I'm saving up for the good spelunking kind... Maybe one day...)
Lighter (one for each pack and one for each car)
Can opener (one for the humans to share and one for the car)
Plastic Utensils (one of each for each Human)
Pen and paper (one for each backpack and one for each car)
Scissors (one for each car and one for the humans to share)
Kleenex packet (one for each backpack and one for each car)
Deoderant (one for each backpack and one for each car)
Small Hair Brush (one for the humans to share)
Chapstick (one for each human and one for each car)
Lotion (small bottle for each human)
Hand sanitizer (some for each human and some for each car)
sunscreen (Some for the humans to share)
Nail Clippers (one set for the humans to share)
Doggie Clean Up Bags (one roll)
Dog Food (enough for three days)
Dog Treats (enough for three days)
Eye Drops (these can be used to clean out doggie wounds)
Hammer (one for each car and one for the humans to share)
Wrench (one for each car and one for the humans to share)
Screw Driver (one for each car and one for the humans to share)
Collapsile Dog Bowls (3)

I also have a list of food to buy.  You want enough fod to last you 72 hours, and it is good to have high energy, high protein food.  If anyone wants the list I've already compiled... shoot me a message!!

It is also a good idea to make a "Grab List" of things that you want to grab on the way out of your home, if you have time.  Good things for the grab list are family photos, journals, jewelry, extra food if you are headed to your car, etc.

I hope this was helpful...I know it looks like a TON of stuff, but I swear it all fits into the packs...I've seen pictures!! Well, the sleeping bags have to be tied up to the top, but everything else will fit!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Gourmet Grilled Cheese Day!!

Today was the first of hopefully many Gourmet Grilled Cheese Day (GGCD) at the MHJA household, and though we had a few hiccups in the process, I think it was overall a big success!!

The idea for GGCD started when I found a recipe for a jalepeno popper grilled cheese sandwich on pinterest.  How amazing does that sound, right!?  But of course, Her doesn't like anything spicy.  Issues like this have come up before.  It's hard to have family dinners when we have OPPOSITE taste in EVERYTHING... I like spicy, she doesn't.  She likes white sauce, hates red sauce, I am the opposite.  She loves mushrooms...and they are the one food I can't stomach in any form.  You get it, we hate each others' foods.  As the primary chef in our house, it usually falls to me to come up with dinners we can both enjoy.  This means we eat a LOT of the same meals... pot roast, spaghetti ( the one red sauce Her can stand,) PB&J, and Lean cuisines (we can each pick our own and still have the same thing!!

Anyway, I REALLY wanted to try this sandwich... everyone knows how much I love jalepenos!! I showed Her the recipe, and she thought it sounded amazing, only with this instead of that and that instead of this, etc.  That's what gave us the idea to have create your own Gourmet Grilled Cheese Day. 

Last week we went to the store and bought our ingredients.  We got jalepenos, cream cheese, hamburger meat, two different shredded cheese mixes, and tortilla chips (to add some popper-like crunch).  Then we tried to contain our excitement until today (Saturday.)

I started the festivities this morning by slicing and seeding my jalepenos.  In order to get the texture right for the sandwich, you have to roast them in the oven so they won't be crunchy.  I was very careful durning the seeding. When I was done I immediately put all of the utensils I used in the dishwasher and washed my hands.  Of course, five minutes later when my contact decided to fold itself over in my eye, I didn't think twice before sticking my finger in there to fix it.  Then I was on fire.  That is hiccup #1

Hiccup #2 was also my fault.  Earlier that week when I was doing meal prep for the week (that's when I take all the hamburger meat or chicken or veggies we are eating for the week and pre cook it and seperate it into bags or containers labeled with the day and meal it's for... yea, I'm awesome)  I saved some hamburger meat uncooked for Her "cream cheese patty melt."  Apparently I didn't anticipate any mishaps because I didn't save enough.  At this part of the story I need to back up a little and tell you about how we decided to cook these awesome sandwiches.

 Her parents got us a grill a couple of weeks ago, and we have been dying to use it ever since.  This weekend is the first official weekend of fall, and it is the first sunny day we've seen since last Sunday, and we are obsessed with learning to cook without power in case of emergency so... we decided the best place to make girlled cheese sandwiches would be on the grill. Alright so, back to the hamburger meat. 

Anyway, Her comes in all upset because the patty was too small.  The second she put it on the grill all the fat melted off, split the patty in two, and half of it fell into the grill and was consumed by flames.  So now she's got a couple of pieces of hamburger the size of macdonalds chicken nuggets, and way thinner.  That is Hiccup #2.  No problem, we crumbled the hamburger and put it in her sandwich... there was just enough.  Problem solved. Until Hiccup #3...

In order to have the mose delicious Grilled Cheeses EVER, we loaded them up with tasty ingredients (they are SUPPOSED to be gourmet...)  Including plenty of cream cheese.  Apparently, ceam cheese makes bread soggy, which causes the bread to melt off and fall into the grill to join the first half of Her hamburger patty.  So I cane up with the brilliant....Bread Patch... We just took new bread and "patched" them up.

After a few hiccups and sandwiches that look like they really put up a fight to get here... it was time to eat them.  I have to admit, I was worried.  I mean, we looked forward to this all week, and the one in the picture on pinterest was beautiful, and mine looked like Frankenstein (the monster, not the doctor.)  I was feeling a little dissapointed until I took my first bite, and then....


They were so good, we didn't even share.  We couldn't tear ourselves away from them, they were so perfect!!  It reminded me to never judge a book by it's cover, or a sandwich by it's number of "bread patches." 

This was an awesome day for the whole family, even the boys loved it!! They had the best time chasing us in and out of the house, basking in the sun outside, snacking on acorns, defending our porch from the neighborhood kids on bikes, and of course, begging for tasty gourmet scraps!!  Jack was even brave enough to come out from under his rocking chair to try a bite of my sandwich!!

I hope this can become a tradition in the MHJA household!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

All I want for Christmas is ...

This one's for you Mom...
(obviously, this is an enormous list...that way a. I'll be surprised and b. any time you wanna send me a surprise you'll be armed and ready!!) lol jk but seriously, I know you know that I know how extreme this list is, and I in no way shape or form expect any presents, and will be happy to get anything at Christmas, and sometimes it's just fun to go crazy and make a list of evrything you want!!

** For other readers of my blog...I know this looks really snobby, bratty, greedy, etc...But my mom asked for it, and it makes everyone's life easier when there's a reference list, and It's also kind of an inspiration for me to save my money, bc there is no way I will get even a fraction of this stuff!! So please just disregard this post!!

**I am OBSESSED with clothes right now!! I keep trying to update my wardrobe but I find that everytime I try, I end up buying the same old crap that takes up my closet now.  None of it is flattering, and I seem to either dress like I"m 15 or like I'm 40.  I would LOVE some cute, trendy, well-made items that are trendy and in-style, yet stil timeless.  That is why I am so into vintage clothes!! Vintage is always "in," and the beautiful sillhouette of a classic 40s style dress will always be flattering on any woman!!  I found modcloth and I seriously adore everything on this site... it is vintage style, but it is all new!! (Everyone knows how freaked out I am by used clothing...I know it's not very green of me, but...ew!)  I've selected a few (well, more than a few..) of my favorites, but this site adds new things every week, and I would seriosly love ANY piece from this store!!

bathing beauty one piece in Red in an 8
Kettle Corn Dress in Sunset Large
Betta Than Bruschetta Top... L
Just be-crust you can dress...M
Oracle of Style Top...M
Craving Curry Skirt...M
Bojo Mojo Top...M
Tea Leaves Dress...L
Sand a Chance Cardigan...M
Charming Choices Dress...L
Timne and Lace Dress..L
Autumn Blossom Top...M
Flowers of the Fuscha Skirt...L
Fan Letter Sweater...L
Leiutenant Lovely Cardigan...M
Three Quarters Past Cute Cardigan...M
Hickory Dickory Frock...M
A Good Gauze Sweater...L
Local Tourist Top...M
Feature Reader Dress...ML
Here Comes The Fun Jacket...L
Toggle At My Heart Jacket...L
If you Dot it Up Top...L
Homemade B-Red Skirt...M
Banana Stand Top...M
Love is in the Heirloom Dress...L
Jotting Memories Top...M
All Tide Up Flat Marina
Hide and Peep Toe Wedge
Start Your Engine Boot
Student of Chic Heel
Breathtaking Bubble Heel
About the Benjamins Heel in Goldenrod
To Grandmothers House We Go Heel
*And Many More...

Craft Supplies

Mason Jars!!
Magazines, Catalogues, Newspapers.
Fake Flowers
Funky Frames
Cool Hole Punches
Scrapbook Paper
Scrap Wood
Anything Else Inspiring...

Harry Potter

Harry Potter Apron
Complete DVD Set
Time Turner or Snitch Necklace

Other Stuff

Cool Umberella
Brown Cowboy-ish Boots
Kinder Parties Sponsor!!
Scooter!!! Lol jkjk
Yoga Pants from Victoria Secret PINK! ...M
Yoga Shorts from VS PINK!...M
Pretty much anything PINK!!
A Complete Bathroom Set
New Pillows
Fancy Collars for the Boys with Their Names and My Number on it
Holiday Decorations for Every Holiday
Recipe Book of all of our "Family recipes".(brownies, ham bean stew, white chilli, gumbo, country fried steak...)
Doggy Backpacks (one for Jack and one for Albus) to be used for long hikes and emergency kits....we could never leave them behind!!
Other things to be used for emergency kits...plastic sheeting, duct tape, awesome backpacks, water storage, flashlights, batteries, weather radio, tent, sleeping bags, etc...

**I am currently trying to put together emergency kits for Me, Her, Jack, and Albus... in case of appocolypse, or extreme Alabama weather...  emergency kits can be expensive, but I think it is important to be prepared!!  That's why this stuff is on this list.